Veneers: The Celebrity Teeth Option

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Ever wonder how it is possible that every celebrity just so happens to have perfect teeth? You may have noticed this recently during the Oscar’s and all of the other award shows that have taken place over the last couple of months. Not only are their smiles beautifully white, but also just structurally perfect. How can this be?

Well, the reality is that many celebrities have switched their smile over to one that is made up of veneers. Porcelain veneers enhance your smile by correcting dental imperfections. Veneers crafted from porcelain ceramic can address issues such as fissures, gaps, and stains while mimicking the appearance and light-reflecting qualities of natural tooth enamel.


Veener Benefits

Each veneer procedure at Austin Family Dentistry is tailored to meet the specific goals and desires of every patient. If you are experiencing broken or cracked teeth, stains, or any other tooth-related issues, we can assess if veneers are the ideal solution for you.

Benefits include straight and even smiles, improved bite shape, color matching for individual teeth, and preventing harm from damaged teeth.

Your set of veneers will look completely natural and be the envy of others due to their whiteness, symmetry, and shape.


Veener Process

To ensure the right adhesive surface for veneer bonding, a professional at Austin Family Dentistry will carefully remove a thin layer of tooth enamel from the teeth. Next, dental impressions will be taken to create a customized veneer solution. A mold of your teeth will be sent to a dental technician who will then craft your veneers.

Once the veneers are completed, we will make sure they are perfectly aligned before attaching them to your teeth. After the bonding process is completed and the results are as expected, we enhance your new veneers to achieve a natural shine similar to that of natural tooth enamel.


Veener Care

Veneer care is arguably the most important part of keeping your smile perfect. Immediately after you receive your new veneers, you will want to avoid any food consumption for a few hours. This allows your veneers to stabilize and is an extremely important initial period.

However, once this period is over, the veneer care continues. Certain habits may need to be changed and/or established to keep your smile the way you want it.

Avoid chewing hard foods such as ice, raw vegetables, or hard candies. Similarly, avoid excessively chewy foods such as taffies and caramels. Finally, avoid excessive alcohol consumption, as the alcohol can compromise the adhesion of the veneers.

Stains also need to be considered with your veneers. The veneers themselves are resistant to stains. However, your teeth, and the adhesive materials used, are not. Improper care can stain these areas and cause an ugly difference between them and the veneers. Therefore, try your best to avoid red wine, soda, coffee, tea, red sauces, and other similar foods.


Veener Consultation

If you are ready to have a celebrity smile, the next step is to schedule a consultation with Austin Family Dentistry. An expert will help determine if you are a suitable candidate for veneers, address any concerns you may have, and provide a detailed explanation of the procedure. Call today!



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